Tourist Attraction

Image of entrance area to venue.

Project Type: Virtual Accessibility Tour

Camera Obscura & World of Illusions, Edinburgh

Year: 2024

Features: Interactive virtual tour with embedded access information and a full access guide. Also includes key wayfinding information, digital interactives and customer journey mapping.

Project Brief: Camera Obscura & World of Illusions wanted to improve their online accessibility features for customers wanting to visit the attraction. They already had a wealth of great information on accessibility but were looking to make it more engaging for potential customers to fully understand the unique experience of the venue.

Due to the age of the building, which is located in Edinburgh’s Royal Mile and was build in 1835, the building does have it’s limitations regarding access.

The virtual tour includes detailed access information for each area of the building and allows customers to see if the venue is suitable for their own specific requirements. Customers can explore the outside entrance area, view the toilets and virtually ‘walk’ around all the floors and exhibits to make their own informed decision on accessibility.

Year: 2024

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