

Access Guides
What better way to start your journey to becoming more inclusive by creating your own Access Guide. 
VisitScotland, in partnership with VisitEngland, have developed – a site that allows you to work through a tailored questionnaire, helping you to provide relevant information about the accessibility of your venue or service.
It’s free, quick and easy to use, and will enable you to provide all the information your customers need to prepare their visit. 
AccessiblePRS is a property consultancy specialising in accessible strategy and design.
They work with landlords, investors, developers, architects and cohousing groups to help clients understand how accessibility is relevant to them, why designing for everyone offers financial and social benefits, and how to implement accessibility correctly within a property or scheme.
Additionally, they advise clients on how to communicate their actions and intentions in an effective and credible way.
If you are a wheelchair user looking to privately rent an accessible property, you can register on the AccessiblePRS website to find your next home. 
Visit Scotland
Enhancing your Information Provision.
Visit Scotland provide a range of business tools for businesses who want to improve their provision of accessibility information.
They are a great place to start if you are unsure about what to do first and provide great, independent advice. They can also help promote some of the great accessibility improvements you make.
Accessibility Training
72% of disabled customers are more likely to visit new places if they feel welcomed by staff or venues appears to care about accessibility.
Although they are a significant part of it, disability is about much more than wheelchair users. Help your business understand about hidden disabilities, learning disabilities and many other types of accessibility requirements. 
Making sure staff and managers in your venue are trained and confident in inclusive tourism will make a huge difference to your customer service. Once complete, you can earn an Accessible Tourism Training Certificate.
Sign up for the VisitScotland’s Accessible Tourism Training.
Disability discrimination can be a confusing area and many businesses can find it difficult to know and understand their legal obligations regarding disability discrimination.
There is lots of great information and website online to help you understand this important area.
The Equality & Human Rights Commission has provided advice and guidance on some of the key areas. 
If you are an employer, employee, an individual using a service, any organisation providing a service, or public sector, click here to read their advice and guidance on Disability Discrimination.
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