About Us

About Us

We want to help create an inclusive society where everyone has the same opportunity to enjoy and utilise all the services and facilities they need.
Virtual Inclusion is a pioneering customer experience and VR specialist company based in the heart of Scotland with a flair for development, conceptualisation and immersive experiences. We are experts in designing inclusive VR experiences and have worked with clients ranging from individuals with great ideas to multinational organisations looking to improve their customer experience.
Unlike many VR companies, Virtual Inclusion has more than just the technical knowledge to build virtual tours. Our team also demonstrates a full breadth of expertise in the fields of accessibility, customer journey mapping, customer training and property management. This allows us to create a universal design approach which has inclusion at the heart of it.

Why do we do what we do?

Ultimately, for many people, information on accessibility is currently failing them, or not providing adequate information to be of benefit.
We know through our own experiences, how challenging it can be for anyone to visit new locations and have the confidence it will be accessible for their own, specific needs.
We started this journey because we became frustrated. Frustrated at the negative stories and statistics that were coming out in regard to accessibility. Virtual Inclusion is a company borne out of this frustration that, in this digital age, many people are still not finding the important information they are looking for online when visiting new locations. 
Not only do we want to give people the confidence to visit tourist attractions or live sporting events, we also want them be able to see what accessible restaurant is near that location; what retail store they can quickly pop into, what train or bus will take them to their favourite locations, or the ability to plan an entire trip based around accessible Changing Places toilets.
People should not have to fear going out because they don’t know if they can use a toilet, people should not have to worry if they can access public transport, get home at night or feel anxious if they can’t find someplace to eat. 
This is what Virtual Inclusion is working to help resolve.
Inclusion should not be a tick-box exercise. Accessibility information should not be hidden at the bottom of a website. No-one should feel reluctant to apply for a job, try out a new experience, or travel purely because they have a disability and can’t find the info they are looking for. 
Inclusive CSR is a brand differentiator that not only makes social sense but also good business sense, by growing your customer base and allowing you to engage with one of the largest emerging markets in the world. 

What can you do?

We want you to join us on our journey to improve inclusion for all.
The time is now, the inclusion revolution is now, help support your customers by ensuring your access information is the best it can be.
We work with organisations to embrace this mission and take the next steps that can improve their revenue and, more importantly, their customer experience.
In addition, we are also involved with improving accessibility across every area. We do this by being involved with local access groups, liaising with VisitScotland’s Inclusive Tourism department and providing presentations and talks at events such as Transport Scotland’s Accessible Transport Conference.
Collaboration is one of the fundamental components to ensuring inclusion is at the forefront of design. We want to work with all businesses, charities, organisations and groups to raise awareness and ensure no-one feels excluded purely because they have an impairment. We are always keen to speak to people involved within the accessibility sector and would love anyone to get in touch if you think we could help or you would just like to know a little more about what we do.
Read some real life stories around accessibility here.
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