Why It Matters

Why It Matters

Below are just a few examples of some of the challenges faced by your customers or visitors regarding accessibility and inclusion. These are real life stories that are happening to so many people across the world everyday.
Unfortunately, we can’t resolve every situation on our own, however, our Inclusive Virtual Experiences are designed to dramatically reduce the chances of any of the below happening again.
Transport Hub:
Here, a wheelchair user gets on a train and arrives at a station to find the lift out of order:
“I was sent back and forth between two platforms, repeatedly being misinformed about my route back home.
The journey took me almost 2 hours, leaving me ill, exhausted and late for my medication. It should have taken about 30 minutes.”
Read full story here: British Transport System is Great – If you’re not disabled.
In this image a traveller with autism, who loves to go out and explore, but finds the world a very unpredictable and confusing place:
“I can’t just arrive and use any location. It is an unknown place and is therefore frightening and difficult to deal with.”
“Because of my autism I am hypersensitive to noises. I am completely unable to cut out background noise, lights, movements and odours. I also have balance and vestibular difficulties meaning that I need assistance to travel. Many stations that are accessible to wheelchair users are nevertheless inaccessible to me because of my autism.
Read full story here: Travelling as a disabled person.
Accessible toilet unusable due to being filled by chairs and highchairs.
Accessible Toilets:
Not all accessible toilets are accessible for everyone. Here is just one example where a mother has numerous times ended up changing her sons on the toilet floor just so he can use a toilet.
“Without a safe, clean, changing bench to do this, there is little option but to use a toilet floor. This is a heart-wrenching thing for any parent to subject their child to.”
Read full story here: Mum’s battle to change ‘horrendous’ disabled toilet facilities
Small Business:
For many, the thought of going to a shop for some clothes shopping, or nipping to a restaurant for lunch with a friend can be a daunting experience.
“I discovered boutique after boutique with stepped entrances and no access ramps. Often staff delivered this information with an expression of bewilderment as to why anyone would require one.”
Read full story here: Does Fashion Care About Disabled People and the Purple Pound?
hidden disability
Transport Hub:
Another example of the challenges faced by those with disabilities using public transport.
This case involved a man travelling with his young daughter who found that the train station involved allows wheelchair users to arrive but not leave.
“Not one member of staff thought it would be a good idea to tell me there was no wheelchair access in one of the platforms.”
Read full story here: Disabled dad stranded at station where wheelchair users can arrive but not leave
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