Virtual Inclusion

Why is being inclusive important to your business?

The 'purple pound' is worth... 

There are nearly 14 million disabled people in the UK

£250bn to the UK economy each year

The 'grey pound' is worth ... 

Over 50's account for 35% of the UK population

£320bn to the UK economy  each year

By investing in accessibility, you are investing in the future of your business. 70% of all Europeans with accessibility needs have both the financial and physical capacity to travel and spend, but if they cannot find the right information about your business online, they will take their money elsewhere.

Inclusion should not be a tick-box exercise, accessibility information should not be hidden at the bottom of a website and no-one should feel reluctant to try out a new experience, go out shopping or travel purely because they have a disability and can’t find the info they are looking for.

Why does it matter?

Here are just a few examples of some of the issues many people with disabilities face on a daily basis ...

“I can’t just arrive and use any location. It is an unknown place and is therefore frightening and difficult to deal with.” Traveller with autism

“I was sent back and forth between two platforms, repeatedly being misinformed about my route back home. The journey took me almost 2 hours, leaving me ill, exhausted and late for my medication. It should have taken about 30 minutes.” Wheelchair user

“Without a safe, clean, changing bench to do this, there is little option but to use a toilet floor. This is a heart-wrenching thing for any parent to subject their child to.” Parent to disabled child

“I discovered boutique after boutique with stepped entrances and no access ramps. Often staff delivered this information with an expression of bewilderment as to why anyone would require one.” Disabled wheelchair shopper

Information is one of the key areas to improving accessibility.

When we talk about information, we don’t just mean telling customers your business is ‘fully accessible’, we mean detailed,  interactive and whole customer journey information before, during and after they visit your location.

People should not have to fear going out because they don’t know if they can use a toilet, people should not have to worry if they can access public transport, get home at night or feel anxious if they can’t find someplace to eat or drink.

This is what Virtual Inclusion is working to help resolve.

Invest in your business      Invest in inclusion!