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When it's dark outside, we use a digital projector to show our visitors the view instead. ### URL WebFrame_8E530D32_AD72_F183_41E1_012DD6AB5D6B.url = http://www.aberdeencity.gov.uk/AAGM/plan-your-visit/aberdeen-art-gallery WebFrame_BF096855_AC9F_FF80_41E1_75BE128C8ED6.url = https://campbellboath.com/properties/ LinkBehaviour_09552288_481C_473C_41C9_027B27ABB96C.source = https://campbellboath.com/properties/virtual-tour WebFrame_B44AE309_AC92_7180_4197_4EA359250B4D.url = https://maps.google.com/maps?output=embed¢er=55.94895,-3.195786&z=19&q=55%C2%B056'56.2%22N+3%C2%B011'44.8%22W LinkBehaviour_ADDCD3B1_80DA_D529_41BA_9C779D866BD3.source = https://virtualinclusion.com/ LinkBehaviour_3E7A55E4_172C_1F62_41B4_1110BAEFF07A.source = https://www.camera-obscura.co.uk/ LinkBehaviour_EDEDEC79_D19A_D489_41D8_CA925F7F1655.source = https://www.camera-obscura.co.uk/accessibility LinkBehaviour_E6973181_D18A_AC79_41C4_E6206A16BA94.source = https://www.camera-obscura.co.uk/contact LinkBehaviour_E107CE1E_D186_548B_41E8_E7C4E22D4541.source = https://www.camera-obscura.co.uk/faqs LinkBehaviour_FE64EE16_D186_549B_41A8_D50ECBA72A67.source = https://www.camera-obscura.co.uk/getting-here LinkBehaviour_E113CFE5_D187_D3B9_4195_4BDB2E5EA973.source = https://www.camera-obscura.co.uk/opening-hours LinkBehaviour_922EE03C_B1DE_34D7_41E4_D9C3D67FE13C.source = https://www.camera-obscura.co.uk/view-tickets PopupWebFrameBehaviour_933F0AFA_8074_ACF0_41D9_590983367941.url = //www.youtube.com/embed/stu008YMeU8 PopupWebFrameBehaviour_0D3534CA_195C_94C8_4197_4693EEF1F304.url = //www.youtube.com/embed/YJiG-bEjaP8 PopupWebFrameBehaviour_2CB61E9F_3459_24E4_41BE_E7BA4F9E2EDE.url = //www.youtube.com/embed/jDDxe8JqKuI ## Hotspot ### Text HotspotPanoramaOverlayTextImage_2AF6E790_1C00_9EDD_419D_DE21A6400DE5.text = > > > > HotspotPanoramaOverlayTextImage_29F7DEFB_1C03_8E43_4193_8982805C2CF3.text = No Entry HotspotPanoramaOverlayTextImage_21E10B67_32AF_27BB_41B5_75AF55F6B9A2.text = Quieter Area ### Tooltip HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_A0070E92_B1C2_2DD2_41CA_F1D45CEB9CF1.toolTip = AUTOMATA HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_6D1B2AAE_7E31_21D5_41D7_0E03000A4CF8.toolTip = Ames Room Video HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_2CB9B400_3E92_7EAB_41A3_BEF4FCEF9AF0.toolTip = Be Aware HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_2F7467B0_3E9E_79EC_4194_2894C7779074.toolTip = Be Aware HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_D0F12DA4_CBB0_EB99_41CE_BDDF8716A873.toolTip = Buggy Park HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_D763419D_CBB0_DBAB_4195_28DEB48B39CD.toolTip = Buggy Park HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_5FC340D3_7E11_E173_41C3_170B3DDE2440.toolTip = Camera Obscura HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_E8E818B6_D1BE_DD9B_41DD_39AD9AB1C6C7.toolTip = Camera Obscura Room HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_720A80D6_661E_8677_41D4_BCB7594BEDE5.toolTip = Camera Obscura Room HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_92119162_B1C2_3773_41D4_60D66C789058.toolTip = Click for Ticket Information HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_F96A5990_B3C6_17AF_41CB_7AEDFF134221.toolTip = DO NOT ENTER HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_38B5CC0B_1B23_3274_41AE_3B9020CD65A4.toolTip = Electric Room HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_71F48CB7_61D1_357B_41D4_AC0A45CDE8F0.toolTip = Exit HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_70AC5CF4_6B41_A834_41D5_6F8257EB2C6E.toolTip = Front Desk HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_74F35169_6C13_994A_41C2_595AA832E221.toolTip = Front Desk HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_5A43262A_6C14_7ACF_41A8_7127E1595583.toolTip = Infinity Corridor HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_0C22CE44_1AE1_0EFC_41B4_FD6F474DDF27.toolTip = Infinity Corridor HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_74560BE9_6C1D_A94A_41D9_A202D1B79BA0.toolTip = Main Entrance HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_795BCCE1_6C74_AF7D_417C_2A0F6CB56733.toolTip = Main Entrance-1 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_87E08ECA_B2C2_EDB3_41E3_A2DC72B2FAC1.toolTip = Mirror Maze HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_2762C097_3429_5CE4_4177_AFE3A31457D4.toolTip = New Exhibit: Giant Pinwall HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_44D48A9A_72CB_9CBD_41A5_ABFCF2CF3696.toolTip = North Terrace HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_E04F3A4D_B3C6_34B6_41A3_7C7F8F4AEF91.toolTip = PRIVATE HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_9CDFC17A_B2C2_7752_41D4_6FFD97A646B0.toolTip = Perpetual Portrait HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_FE97314F_C624_D829_41D0_67B1B2D92C93.toolTip = Pipes of Pan HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_1FE9A637_094E_3E79_4187_CF245033E84D.toolTip = Please take if raining. 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Image_3C874539_7E70_E33F_419F_B66F8B6A1C7A.url = skin/Image_3C874539_7E70_E33F_419F_B66F8B6A1C7A_en.jpg Image_90D73817_B4BA_6C6A_41C2_D09842262E70.url = skin/Image_90D73817_B4BA_6C6A_41C2_D09842262E70_en.png Image_AB259F1C_B46A_649E_41E1_73F95524A5AE.url = skin/Image_AB259F1C_B46A_649E_41E1_73F95524A5AE_en.jpg Image_D9C879F9_4835_CFDD_41A0_EAA6440899BB.url = skin/Image_D9C879F9_4835_CFDD_41A0_EAA6440899BB_en.png Image_DDC69D73_4835_C4ED_41B0_EE9941F8115A.url = skin/Image_DDC69D73_4835_C4ED_41B0_EE9941F8115A_en.png ### Label Label_2E544162_0FFB_6F72_41AB_9FD89FFE0F1F.text = < BACK Label_29DC06FC_0FF9_5557_4193_240F5060CBD9.text = < BACK Label_128D6F84_0FCB_53B7_417B_7B9B0C980C50.text = < BACK Label_087E4846_1C00_F244_4189_C1CB3727002E.text = < BACK Label_06A44A83_1C03_96BC_418C_E2AADADBDC9D.text = < BACK Label_FEA02965_D19E_5CBE_41D7_E5802F391018.text = < BACK Label_FEA2C968_D19E_5CB6_41A0_E24A131B02AF.text = < BACK Label_06C7EBCC_1C00_9644_41B0_6700C422DF7D.text = < BACK Label_067E6F5B_1C01_8E4C_41B1_15E5303EFD53.text = < BACK Label_2E3D1E3A_0FFB_54D3_4185_91CADC03D0B3.text = < BACK Label_EC629160_C6E5_B817_41C7_62C702CAC64E.text = Level 0 Label_EEA8A2E4_C6ED_D81F_41C8_69B20A9A0EB0.text = Level 0 ### Multiline Text HTMLText_DDC6ED74_4835_C4EB_415A_E03E174E4C48.html =
The Barn at the Pond

Duncan Grant
born Rothiemurchus Estate near Aviemore

Grant, as a conscientious objector, refused to
fight and he instead had to work on the land
until the war ended.
Grant and Vanessa Bell set up home in East Sussex
in 1916. They lived at Charleston, a large farmhouse
with a spacious walled garden and a pond.
Here they created their own paradise, taking
refuge in their art; painting the warm tones and
bright colours of the countryside around them.
oil on canvas, 1925 Purchased in 1961.

HTMLText_E4A5F96B_C8D5_9D4B_41B7_701FDE900200.html =
Toilet Information - floor 4

Location and access:
- The facility is located on floor 4, near the water refill station at the entrance.
- Floor 4 is on the one-way system, after floor 6.
- This is a single unisex toilet.

Dimensions and features:
- The entrance door is a manual door which opens inwards.
- There is an illusion pattern on the tile floors.
- The width of the door is 83cm.
- The door is heavy.
- The door is locked by a thumb turn lock.
- The wash basin tap type is sensor.
- The wash basin height is 80cm above the floor level.
- The automatic hand dryer is at a height of 110cm above the floor level.
- The soap dispenser type is push button.
- The mirror is 130cm above floor level.
- A coat hook is located on the door.
- The coat hook is 160cm above floor level.
- The WC seat is 54cm above floor level.
- The WC flush type is sensor.
- Sanitary products are available free of charge.
- Disposal facilities are available in the toilet.

Baby Changing Facilities:
- A baby change table is located in this toilet
- The baby change table is set against the wall, permanently fixed at 94cm above the floor.
- The baby change table is not height adjustable.
- Disposal facilities are available in the cubicle.

- Click here to view Floor 4 toilet.

HTMLText_DB3A720E_CD8F_2B27_41DC_26857C1E5F80.html =
Exit Information - GROUND FLOOR

Buggy Park Exit:
- There is an exit door though the shop and through the buggy park.
- There are steps 4 between the shop and the buggy park.
- The height of the steps is between 20cm and 25cm.
- The steps have handrails.
- The handrails are 75cm above floor level.
- The narrowest part of the corridor is 150cm.

- There is a exit door from the reception area to the courtyard.
- The width of the door is 91cm.
- The door is a single manual door which opens outwards.
- There are steps to access the exit.
- The steps are not clearly marked.
- The height of the steps are 18cm.
- Click here to view the courtyard exit area via reception area.

Shop Exit:
- There is an exit door near the till.
- The width of the door is 85cm.
- The door opens inwards.
- There is a second door to access the street.
- The width of the door is 97cm.
- The second door is permanently held open.
- There are two steps to access street level.
- The steps are not clearly marked.
- There is a third door that leads to the entrance courtyard.
- The width of the doors is 88cm.
- The third door is permanently held open.
- There is a step at the door.
- The step height is 20cm.
- The step is not clearly marked.
- There are a further three steps to access the courtyard at the gate.
- The steps are not clearly marked.
- The width of the gate is 81cm.
- The gate is permanently held open.
- Click here to view shop till exit.

HTMLText_E3C57A3B_C8D6_9ECB_41E1_2C6938D6195F.html =
FLOOR 2 - Key Information

- The entrance door is permanently held open.
- The width of the door opening is 70cm.

- The exit door is permanently held open
- The width of the exit door opening is 97cm.
- There are musical stairs between Level 2 and the shop.

- Kick step stools are available at various exhibits.
- The kick step platform height is 43cm above floor level.
- The kick step platform diameter is 30cm.

- Lighting levels are low and vary along parts of the tour route.
- There is background noise here.

- Bench seating is available on this floor.
- The bench seating is 44cm above the floor.
- The bench seating does not contain an arm rest.

Vortex Tunnel:
- The vortex tunnel can be disorientating.
- The vortex tunnel can be noisy.
- There are 3 steps at the entrance and exit of the vortex tunnel.
- The height of each step is 16cm.
- There are handrails through the Vortex Tunnel.
- The height of the handrails are 107cm above the ground.
- There are handrails at the entrance steps but not the exit steps.
- Visitors are able to bypass the Vortex Tunnel.
- Click here to view the Vortex Tunnel entrance.

Mirror Maze:
- There is a step at the entrance and exit of the Mirror Maze.
- The step height is 15cm.
- The Mirror Maze consists of multiple mirrors.
- There are flashing lights in the Mirror Maze.
- Gloves are provided for use in the Mirror Maze.
- Click here to view the Mirror Maze entrance.

Quieter Balcony
- There is a bright, balcony located on floor 2.
- Bench seating is available on the balcony.
- Click here to view the balcony.

HTMLText_DBF57C53_C876_DEA9_41BF_BAF4C0A44D88.html =
FLOOR 3 - Key Information

- The entrance door is permanently held open.
- The width of the door opening is 80cm.
- The exit door is permanently held open
- The width of the exit door opening is 78cm.
- There is an infinity corridor on the level.
- The width of the infinity corridor is 136cm
- Please speak to a member of staff if you do not wish to use the infinity corridor.
- Click here to view the Infinity Corridor.

- Kick step stools are available at various exhibits.
- The kick step platform height is 43cm above floor level.
- The kick step platform diameter is 30cm.

- Lighting levels are low and vary along parts of the tour route.
- There is background noise here.

- Bench seating is available near the exit door.
- The bench seating is 44cm above the floor.
- The bench seating does not contain an arm rest.

HTMLText_E274C08F_C8D7_8BCB_41D0_7557836F39AC.html =
FLOOR 4 - Key Information

- The entrance door is permanently held open.
- The width of the door opening is 84cm.
- The exit door is permanently held open
- The width of the exit door opening is 90cm.
- Some exhibits have steps at the entrance.

- Kick step stools are available at various exhibits.
- The kick step platform height is 43cm above floor level.
- The kick step platform diameter is 30cm.

- Lighting levels are low and vary along parts of the tour route.
- There is background noise here.

- Bench seating is available on this floor.
- The bench seating is 44cm above the floor.
- The bench seating does not contain an arm rest.

- There are two steps half way through floor 4.
- Click here to view the steps.

- There is a toilet located on floor 4.
- Click here to view floor 4 toilet.

- A water refill station is located next to floor 4 toilet.
- The height of the water refill station is 108cm above floor level.
- The water refill station type is sensor activated.

The Ames Room:
- The width of the entrance is 92cm.
- There are 3 steps to access the Ames Room.
- The steps vary in heights.
- There are no hand rails in the Ames Room.
- There is a slope in the Ames Room less than 15 degrees.
- Click here to view the Ames Room.

Severed Head Exhibit:
- Access to the exhibit is through the rear entrance.
- There is a step to access the Severed Head exhibit.
- The height of the step is 10cm.
- The rear entrance to the exhibit is low. Please mind your head.
- The height of the rear entrance is 98cm above the floor.
- The width of the rear entrance is 82cm.
- Click here to view the Severed Head exhibit.

HTMLText_DC29939A_C873_69DA_41D6_96FD7BB255AF.html =
Female Toilet Information - FLOOR 1

Location and Access:
- The toilets are located on floor 1.
- There is no step-free access to the toilet.
- There are 17 steps to access the toilet from floor 0.
- The toilet is accessed through the reception area on floor 0.
- Click here to view the female toilets.

Features and Dimensions:
- The entrance door is a manual door which opens inwards.
- There is an illusion pattern on the floor tiles.
- The width of the door is 88cm.
- The door is heavy.
- There is a 5cm lip at the door opening.
- The second door is a manual door which opens outwards.
- The width of the door is 80cm.
- The wash basin tap type is sensor.
- The wash basin height is 75cm above the floor.
- There are two automatic hand dryers at a height of 90cm above the floor.
- The soap dispenser type is push button.
- The mirror is 140cm above the floor.
- There are four cubicles in the bathroom.
- Sanitary products are available free of charge.
- Disposal facilities are available in the toilet.

Baby Changing Facilities
- A baby change table is located in Cubicle 3
- The width of the cubicle door is 78cm.
- The baby change table is set against the wall, permanently fixed at 90cm above the floor.
- The baby change table is not height adjustable.
- Disposal facilities are available in the cubicle.
- The door is locked by a sliding lock.

HTMLText_DBF76E10_C856_BAA7_41B2_F7F524D21C6E.html =
Inside Entrance Information - GROUND FLOOR

- The desk/counter is 7m from the main entrance.
- There is no step-free access to the reception from outside.
- The desk/counter is 110 cm above the floor.
- There is not a low level desk or counter at recommended height for wheelchair users.
- The lighting levels are bright.
- There is a hearing assistance system which is not signed.
- There are no handrails from the entrance to the reception.
- There is an umbrella stand next to the reception desk.
- Click here to view reception desk.

Inside Access:
- The lighting levels are varied.
- There is background noise here.
- There are hand sanitiser dispensers located inside the entrance.
- The hand sanitiser dispensers are located 95cm-116cm above the floor.

- There is a range of seating provided around the venue.
- Portable walking stick chairs are available in reception for you to borrow.
- Click on the image icon on the left to view the portable walking stick chair.
- There is bench seating throughout the venue.
- Bench seating locations are marked on the floor plan in the virtual tour.
- The bench seating is 44cm above the floor.
- The bench seating does not contain an arm rest.

Induction Loops:
- Hearing loops are available at the reception and in the shop.

- There is no step-free entrances to the venue.
- The venue does not have a lift.
- There is stepped only access to all areas of the building.
- Use the Courtyard entrance for wheelchair access.

- The venue is not suitable for pushchairs.
- Baby carriers are available and can be booked in advance.
- Baby carriers are free of charge.
- A buggy park is available in the foyer where you can leave your pushchair.
- The Courtyard entrance can be used for pushchair entry and exit.

Sensory Packs:
- Sensory backpacks are available to borrow for the duration of your visit.
- The sensory pack includes: ear defenders, fidget toys, sunglasses, binoculars, activity sheets, soft toy and torch and more.
- You can reserve a backpack by calling or emailing us before your visit.
- Sensory packs are provided free of charge.
- Please collect them from the front desk on arrival and return them before you leave.
- Click here to view a video of our sensory backpack.

Assistance Dogs:
- You are welcome to bring guide dogs, hearing dogs and other recognised assistance
dogs into the venue.
- Drinking bowls are available from our information desk.

HTMLText_DB35512F_C84D_E6FA_41DD_E6E5D937B220.html =
Male Toilet Information - floor 1

Location and Access:
- The toilets are located on floor 1.
- There is no step-free access to the toilet.
- There are 17 steps to access the toilet from floor 0.
- The toilet is accessed through the reception area on Level 0.
- Click here to view the male toilets.

Features and Dimensions:
- The entrance door is a manual door which opens inwards.
- The width of the door is 88cm.
- The door is heavy.
- There is a 2cm lip at the door opening.
- The second door is a manual door which opens inwards.
- The width of the door is 80cm.
- The wash basin tap type is sensor.
- The wash basin height is 78cm above the floor.
- There are two automatic hand dryers at a height of 83cm and 97cm above the floor.
- The soap dispenser type is push button.
- The mirror is 140cm above the floor.
- There are two cubicles in the bathroom.

Cubicle 1
- The width of the door is 63cm.
- The dimensions of the cubicle are 115cm x 146cm.
- The door is locked by a sliding lock
- The wash basin is 70cm above the floor.
- The wash basin tap type is sensor.
- There is a hand dryer.
- The hand dryer is 100cm above the floor level.
- The height of the toilet seat above floor level is 47cm.
- Disposal facilities are available in the cubicle.
- Click here to view Cubicle 1.

Cubicle 2
- The width of the door is 63cm.
- The dimensions of the cubicle are 130cm x 84cm.
- The door is locked by a sliding lock
- The wash basin is 70cm above the floor.
- The wash basin tap type is sensor.
- There is a hand dryer.
- The hand dryer is not placed higher than 100cm.
- The height of the toilet seat above floor level is 47cm.

Baby Changing Facilities
- A baby change table is located in Cubicle 1
- The baby change table is set against the wall, permanently fixed at 80cm above the floor.
- The baby change table is not height adjustable.

HTMLText_D8D55837_C855_66EA_41C6_0B0CE2C6F386.html =
Outside Information

Main Entrance Doors:
- The main entrance is located on Castlehill.
- There is no step-free access at the main entrance.
- The steps are not clearly marked and there are no handrails.
- The main door is permanently held open.
- The width of the door opening is 110cm.
- There is a second door.
- The door is a single, glass manual door which opens inwards.
- The width of the door opening is 92cm.
- There are five steps at this entrance.
- The height of the steps are between 15cm and 19cm.
- The steps are not clearly marked.
- Click here to view main entrance doors.

Potential Hazards:
- Busy road crossing/junction.
- Busy pedestrian footpath.
- Cobbled roads
- Steps outside entrance area.

- There is no step-free entrances to the venue.
- The venue does not have a lift.
- There is stepped only access to all areas of the building.

Entrance Approach:
- The venue sits part up Castle Rock and access roads/routes may be steep in places.
- The route is on a slope and the paving here is concrete tiles and cobbled stone roads.

- There is a courtyard entrance area.
- The courtyard entrance should be used for access to the buggy/pram park.
- There is a bench in the courtyard.
- The seat height of the bench is 46cm above ground level.
- There is a step to access the courtyard from street level.
- The height of the step is 10cm.
- There is a entrance door to the venue from the courtyard.
- The door is permanently held open.
- The width of the door is 108cm.
- The door is a second, single manual door which opens both ways.
- The width of the door is 91cm.
- There are two steps to access this entrance.
- The steps are not clearly marked.
- The height of each step is 18cm.
-Click here to view courtyard entrance area.

EV Charging:
- There is no EV charging at the venue.
- Click here for more charging information in the area.

- There is no on-site parking. There are limited disabled parking spaces available on Johnston Terrace.
- To find the nearest on street parking, and disabled parking spaces you can use the Edinburgh City Council map here.
- Information on where you can park with a Blue Badge in Edinburgh is available here.

Drop-off point:
- There is no designated drop-off point.

Subject to change:
- Please note that all information is correct at time of writing, but subject to change.

HTMLText_EAD372D7_F2A2_229C_41EC_2047CE1469A5.html =
Shop ENTRANCE Information - ground floor

Ramsay Lane Entrance.
- There is a shop entrance/exit via Ramsay Lane.
- The width of the door is 97cm.
- The door is permanently held open.
- There are two steps at this entrance.
- The steps are not clearly marked.
- The height of the first step varies.
- The height of the second step is 15cm.

Courtyard Entrance.
- There is a shop entrance/exit from the courtyard though the gate.
- The gate is permanently held open.
- The width of the gate is 81cm.
- There are a further three steps to access the courtyard at the gate.
- The steps are not clearly marked.
- The height of each step is under 20cm.
- There is a doorway to access the entrance to the shop.
- The door is permanently held open.
- The width of the door is 88cm.
- There is a step at the door.
- The step height is 19 cm.
- The step is not clearly marked.

- Both entrances lead to a single, glass manual door.
- The width of the door is 85cm.
- The door opens either way.

- Click here to view shop Ramsay Lane entrance.
- Click here to view shop Courtyard entrance.

Buggy Park Entrance/Exit:
- There is an entrance/exit to the shop through the buggy park and reception area from the courtyard.
- At the courtyard entrance there is a door to access the shop the venue from the courtyard.
- The door is permanently held open.
- The width of the door is 108cm.
- There is a second single, glass manual door which opens both ways.
- The width of the door is 91cm.
- There are two steps to access the entrance.
- The steps are not clearly marked.
- The height of each step is 18cm.

- Once inside, there a four further steps to access the shop.
- The steps are clearly marked.
- The height of each step is between 20cm and 25cm.
- There is a handrail on both sides of the steps.
- The height of the handrail is between 65cm and 75cm.

-Click here to view shop Buggy park entrance.
HTMLText_E398FD86_C8D6_B5BD_41E3_C4C416FDF328.html =
Shop Information - GROUND FLOOR

Keep the fun and discovery going with our wonderful range of gifts! Our gift shop offers
Edinburgh’s best collection of intriguing gifts, mind-bending games, and surprising
keepsakes. There is something for everyone! You won’t be able to resist.

- The gift shop is located on the ground floor.
- It can be accessed from the main reception area, the entrance on Ramsay Lane, the courtyard and at the end of your tour of the venue.
- There is no step free access to the gift shop.
- Aisle widths vary between 100cm to 150cm +
- Some aisle widths are subject to change.

- There is no level access to the counter from the entrance.
- There is sufficient space to write or sign documents on the counter.
- The height of the counter at the exit is 90cm.
- The height of the second counter is 93cm
- There is not a low level desk or counter at recommended height for wheelchair users.
- There is a hearing assistance system only at the exit door counter.
- The type of system is a fixed loop.
- Click here to view the counter with the hearing assistance system.
- Lighting levels are bright.
- The shop is located on ground floor.

End of tour shop access.
- The shop entrance is located after the stairs leading down from floor 2.
-Click here to view the staircase between floor 2 and G.
- There is an entrance door to access the shop.
- The door is a double door.
- The doors opens towards you.
- The width of one side of the door is 68cm.
- The width of the second door is 40cm.
- There is a swing gate past the doors.
- The swing gate opens outwards.

Ramsay Lane/Courtyard Entrance/Exit:
- There is an entrance/exit glass door near the till to access Ramsay Lane and the Courtyard.
- The width of the door is 85cm.
- The door opens both ways.
- There is a second door to access Ramsay Lane.
- The width of the door is 97cm.
- The second door is permanently held open.
- There are two steps to access street level.
- The steps are not clearly marked.
- The height of the lower step varies.
The height of the higher step is 15cm.

- There is a third door that leads to the courtyard.
- The width of the door is 88cm.
- The third door is permanently held open.
- There is a step at the door.
- The step height is 19cm.
- The step is not clearly marked.
- There are a further three steps to access the courtyard at the gate.
- The steps are not clearly marked.
- The height of each step is under 20cm.
- The width of the gate is 81cm.
- The gate is permanently held open.
- Click here to view shop till exit.

Buggy Park Entrance/Exit:
- There is an entrance/exit through the buggy park and reception area to the courtyard.

- There are four steps to access the buggy park from the shop.
- The steps are clearly marked.
- The height of each step is between 20cm and 25cm.
- There is a handrail on both sides of the steps.
- The height of the handrail is between 65cm and 75cm.

- At the reception area, there is a single, glass manual door which opens both ways.
- The width of the door is 91cm.
- There is a second door to the courtyard from the venue.
- The door is permanently held open.
- The width of the door is 108cm.

- There are two steps to access the courtyard.
- The steps are not clearly marked.
- The height of each step is 18cm.
-Click here to view exit through buggy park.

HTMLText_DBB82C2E_C852_BEFA_41E2_03DABB49B139.html =
Stairs Information

- The floors which are accessible by these stairs are G,1,2,3,4,5,6.
- The amount of steps vary between floors.
- There are 15+ steps between floors.
- There are 98 steps to reach the top of the building.
- The steps are not clearly marked.
- The steps vary in height.
- The steps may be uneven.
- The steps do have handrails.
- The steps have a handrail on one side.
- There is a landing.
- Signage is displayed at each floor level.
- There is a one-way system throughout the venue.
- There are musical stairs between Floor 2 and the shop.
- The type of steps vary throughout the venue.

- Click here to view stair type between floors G,1,3,5 & 6.
- Click here to view stair type between floors 6 & 4.
- Click here to view stair type between floors 4 & 2.
- Click here to view stair type between floors 2 and G.
HTMLText_E4F6C2CB_C8D3_8F4B_41DA_9B481E4C2281.html =
fLOOR 5 - Key Information

- The entrance door is permanently held open.
- The width of the door opening is 70cm.
- The exit door is permanently held open
- The width of the exit door opening is 70cm.

Electric Room: Be Aware
- The Lightening Tube/Electrical Exhibits can cause a shock.
- Medical devices may be effected by static electricity.
- Do not touch electrical exhibits with wet hands.
- Click here to view the Electric Room.

- Kick step stools are available at various exhibits.
- The kick step platform height is 43cm above floor level.
- The kick step platform diameter is 30cm.

- Lighting levels are low and vary along parts of the tour route.
- There is background noise here.
- The Shadow Wall emits a big flash.

- Bench seating is available on this level.
- The bench seating is 44cm above the floor.
- The bench seating does not contain an arm rest.

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floor 6 - NORTH TERRACE - Key Information

North Terrace:
- The north terrace is outside.
- The terrace has uneven surfaces.
- There is a door to the north terrace.
- The door opens away from you (push).
- The width of the door opening is 82cm.
- The height of the door opening is 170cm.
- There is a step on the threshold of the entrance.
- The step is clearly marked.
- The height of the step inside is 20cm.
- The height of the step outside is 7cm.

- Bench seating is available in this area
- The seat is 49cm above the floor.
- The seat does not have any handrails.

- There are 2 steps to the viewing turret.
- The height of the steps are approximately 20cm each.
- The steps do have handrails.
- The entrance width to the viewing turret is 50cm.

- The binoculars are 100cm above the ground level.
- The telescope is 130cm above the ground level.

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floor 6 - RoofTop - Key Information

Inside Area:
- There is no step-free access at this area.
- The entrance doors opens towards you (pull).
- The doors are permantly held open.

- The exit door to floor 4 opens outwards.
- The width of the exit door opening is 82cm.
- The door is permanently held open.

- Bench seating is available.
- The seat is 44cm above the floor.
- The seat does not have any handrails.
- There is an umbrella stand near the door for the south terrace.
- Umbrellas are free to use.
- The closest toilet is on floor 4 - follow the 'down here' signs.
- Steps down to the 4th floor change in style.

Camera Obscura Room.
- A guide will let you know when the next show is about to begin.
- There are 4 steps to access the Camera Obscura.
- The height of the steps are 18cm to 25cm.
- The steps do have handrails.
- There is a door to access the Camera Obscura.
- The width of the door is 70cm.
- Click here to view the Camera Obscura room.

- The room is dark.
- There is a floor level and a raised viewing platform for viewing the Camera Obscura.
- There is a handrail around the Camera Obscura.
- The handrails are 91cm above floor level.
- There are 3 steps to access the raised viewing platform.
- The height of the steps are 20cm to 23cm.
- There is a handrail on the raised viewing platform.
- The handrail is 87cm above floor level.
- There is no designated seating within the room.

The Camera Obscura Show
- The Camera Obscura show runs throughout the day.
- A guide will be with you throughout the show.
- The length of each show in approximately 10-15 minutes.
- The room will be dark during the show.
- A transcript of our Camera Obscura show is available and the Camera Obscura show transcript can be downloaded here.

North Terrace:
- The north terrace is outside.
- The terrace has uneven surfaces.
- There is a door to the north terrace.
- The door opens away from you (push).
- The width of the door opening is 82cm.
- The height of the door opening is 170cm.
- There is a step on the threshold of the entrance.
- The step is clearly marked.
- The height of the step inside is 20cm.
- The height of the step outside is 7cm.

- Bench seating is available in this area
- The seat is 49cm above the floor.
- The seat does not have any handrails.

- There are 2 steps to the viewing turret.
- The height of the steps are approximately 20cm each.
- The steps do have handrails.
- The entrance width to the viewing turret is 50cm.

- The binoculars are 100cm above the ground level.
- The telescope is 130cm above the ground level.
- Click here to view the north terrace.

South Terrace:
- There is a door to the south terrace.
- The door opens away from you (push).
- The width of the door opening is 68cm.
- The height of the door opening is 183cm.
- There is a step on the threshold of the entrance.
- The step is clearly marked.
- The height of the step inside is 8cm.
- The height of the step outside is 10cm.

- There is another step to access the viewing level and binoculars.
- The height of the step is 34cm.
- The depth of the step is 29cm.

- There are 4 steps to the viewing turret.
- The height of each step is 20cm.
- The steps do have handrails.
- The handrail is 93cm above the floor level.

- The binoculars are 100cm above the floor level.
- Click here to view the south terrace.
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floor 6 - South Terrace - Key Information

South Terrace:
- There is a door to the south terrace.
- The door opens away from you (push).
- The width of the door opening is 68cm.
- The height of the door opening is 183cm.
- There is a step on the threshold of the entrance.
- The step is clearly marked.
- The height of the step inside is 8cm.
- The height of the step outside is 10cm.

- There is another step to access the viewing level and binoculars.
- The height of the step is 34cm.
- The depth of the step is 29cm.

- There are 4 steps to the viewing turret.
- The height of each step is 20cm.
- The steps do have handrails.
- The handrail is 93cm above the floor level.

- The binoculars are 100cm above the floor level.

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How it works:

Our Electric Room is filled with different plasma balls and tubes.

- The tubes are filled with a plasma, which is a step in between gas and liquid. At the bottom of the tube there is a small electrode that sparks electricity through the tube. As a result, the spark interacts with the plasma creating a “ribbon” of light that moves throughout the entire space. You might notice plasma can have different colours: that depends on the kind of gas used.

- Plasma is defined as hot, ionised gas containing equal quantities of positively charged ions and negatively charged electrons. That happens when the gas is treated with a lot of heat or it is placed in an electromagnetic field.

- You will see that if you touch one of these exhibits, the plasma will be immediately attracted to your skin: that is because our human body is highly conductive, and touching the glass creates a discharge path with a low level of resistance compared to the rest of the glass. The light interacts with your touch cause it is searching for a conductor to find its fastest way to the ground.

- That is also why if you touch one of these tubes and you touch someone else at the same time you might give them a small electric shock, while if you touch the ball and the white tube in the corner at the same time you will light the tube up: you’ve got the (conductive) power!

- Click to view a video of our plasma ball.

Fun Fact

- Plasma is being used by NASA to try and create oxygen on Mars, so one day humans could live there too!

- The sun itself is a big ball of plasma!
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How it works:

- Our Infinity Corridor uses mirrors and lights to create an illusion of infinity. It’s built with two mirrors positioned parallel to each other. The mirror in front of you is a two-way mirror (like in a police interrogation room) which enables you to see through the glass to the LED lights whilst still seeing your own reflection.

- The mirror behind you is a normal mirror, bouncing the reflection back and forth from the other mirror. This creates a series of increasingly smaller reflections that appear to retreat to infinity. We use LED lights which are more sustainable than halogen bulbs. Fun fact: there are 6,431 LED lights used in our Infinity Corridor! Take a moment to enjoy the tranquil atmosphere in here and notice how calm you feel.

Photo Hint:

- This exhibit makes a great photo – take a selfie in the mirror or watch this video for Infinity Corridor photography tricks.

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What is a kaleidoscope?

- It is an optical device consisting of mirrors that reflect images of bits of coloured glass in a symmetrical geometric design through a viewer.

- Kaleidoscopes can be changed endlessly by rotating the section containing the loose fragments, so you’ll never be bored!

- The name kaleidoscope comes from three Greek words ‘kalos’ meaning beautiful, ‘eidos’ meaning form and ‘scopos’ meaning watcher.

Kaleidoscopes at Camera Obscura

- We’ve several versions of kaleidoscopes at Camera Obscura.

- Our Giant Kaleidosphere, in the admissions area. It uses mirrors, lights and coloured patters to create continually changing and engaging patterns and shapes.
Kaleidohead on the 4th floor lets you become part of the kaleidoscope!

- Our Kaleido-Draw on the 4th floor lets you control the fun to create your own unique, symmetrical patterns.
- Look through the Fibre Optic Kaleidoscope on the 5th floor. This triangular shaped kaleidoscope is unusual as uses a fibre optic light source with a rotating coloured disc to form the changing colours and patterns.

History of kaleidoscopes

- Did you know that the kaleidoscope was invented in 1816 by Scottish scientist Sir David Brewster? David Brewster wrote two books about kaleidoscopes but never made much money from it. While his invention became popular, selling over 200,000 scopes, improper patent wording allowed others to capitalise on it. For his scientific discoveries he was knighted in 1831.

- The first kaleidoscope was a tube containing pieces of loose coloured glass and other small objects. These were reflected by mirrors or lenses set at angles which created patterns when viewed through the end of the tube.

- In the 1870s, Charles Bush, an American, revitalised the kaleidoscope and became the first person to mass market the kaleidoscope.

- The kaleidoscopes popularity peaked during the Victorian era when all elegant homes had a parlour scope for family entertainment. This all changed with the electronic age!

- By the mid-1900s, kaleidoscopes had become mostly children’s toys, however there was a resurgence on the horizon! They started gaining in popularity again in the late 1970s, due to craftmanship and technological advances. The ‘Kaleidoscope Renaissance’ was assisted by the work of one woman, Cozy Baker. Cozy wrote six books about kaleidoscopes and curated the world’s first kaleidoscope exhibition.

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thermal camera

How it works:

- Thermal imaging cameras form an image of heat using Infrared radiation from an object to its environment.
- All objects emit infrared energy, known as a heat signature. An infrared camera (also known as a thermal imager) detects and measures the infrared energy of objects. The camera converts that infrared data into an electronic image that shows the apparent surface temperature of the object being measured.
- A normal camera collects visible light at wavelengths of 400-700 nanometres (that is billionths of a metre), the collected light bounces off lenses, a detector receives the reflected light and turns it into an image. To capture the heat signature, infrared cameras operate in wavelengths from 8,000 to 14,000 nanometres.
- Infrared energy is generated by the vibration of atoms and molecules. The higher their temperature, the more they move. Our infrared image is converted to colour to make it more meaningful and easier to read.
Can you spot the warmest and coolest areas of your body? Blue is cool, red is hot.


Try these tricks on our Thermal Camera:
- Make handprints by holding your hands on your body for 10 seconds
- Draw shapes on the wall behind you
- Rub your hands together to generate heat
- Cool your hands down by rubbing them with hand sanitiser
- Spot your veins in your arms
- See how your hair is warmest at your head and gradually gets cooler

- See what tricks you can do in this exhibit or watch this video for Thermal Camera tricks.

Did you know?

The thermal camera can detect many hot spots:

- Babies. If you’re pregnant, you may be able to see your unborn child
- Run a marathon? Check your legs and arms for sore muscles
- Sore head or fever, how red is your head?
- Cold nose or fingers, give them a wiggle

Did you know thermal cameras are used by:
- Ships use them to detect icebergs and overboard passengers
- Police will use them when searching for criminals or missing persons
- They can spot moisture and poor insulation in buildings
Fire inspections

To read more about our Thermal Camera news stories you can visit our blog on the above link.

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The Barn at the Pond

Duncan Grant born Rothiemurchus Estate near Aviemore 1885-1978

Grant, as a conscientious objector, refused to
fight and he instead had to work on the land
until the war ended.
Grant and Vanessa Bell set up home in East Sussex
in 1916. They lived at Charleston, a large farmhouse
with a spacious walled garden and a pond.
Here they created their own paradise, taking
refuge in their art; painting the warm tones and
bright colours of the countryside around them.
oil on canvas, 1925 Purchased in 1961.

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